Welltech Cooling Systems

Pressure Vessel / Air Receiver
Product Specifications

 Pressure Vessels:


MOC : CS TO IS 2062 / SA516 GR B
HEARDER PIPES : To suit customer requirement
Many way : Standard bolted manway with davit arm for higher sizes9.5 Kg/cm2    max.
Capacity : Up to 35 Cu Meters
Pressure : 9.5 Kg/cm2 max.
Hydrotest Pressure : 15 Kg/cm2
Other Options : Custom made mounting supports,Peep holes, Pressure Gauges Can be    supplied on request
Dish arrangement : Welded dish end arrangement isstandard. Flanged dish can be supplied    for smaller sizes on request
NDT Tests : LPT test on all welds, Ultrasonic tests on Material, Radiographic test as    per relevant standards and to clients requirement.
Painting : Epoxy paint with suitable primerUpto 120 microns is standard.
Product Description

Pressure Vessels:
The Pressure Vessel offered by us is the closed containers that are designed to hold the liquids and gases at different pressures. Fabricated as per the drawings and specifications, the process vessel is also used for separating various materials on the basis of the magnetic properties. Having high tensile strength, these can withstand maximum stress and can also be custom designed as specified by client.

Material of Construction: Carbon Steel, LTCS, NACE & HIC resistant Material, Low Alloy Steel for high temperature service (SA 387 Gr 11 and Gr 22), Cladded Steel (CS with SS, Cupronickel, Aluminum Nickel Bronze, Aluminum brass, Titanium, Inconel and many more), SS (300 & 400 series), Duplex & Super Duplex stainless steel, Cupronickel, Monel , Inconel, Nickel & Nickel Alloys, Hastelloy, Titanium, Aluminum & Aluminum alloys. 

About Welltech:
Welltech make engineers solutions which unique technology of manufacture, designing and commissioning of all kind of non-traditional cooling tower since 2010. Our range of manufacturing includes all type of Atmospheric Natural Draft, induced draft in cross-flow and counter-flow design in R.C.C., F.R.P. Cooling Tower as well as Wooden Cooling Towers. moreover manufacturing, our technocrats and engineers solutions has a long experience in erection, modification, inspection and renovation all type of cooling tower of any make. After modification, the same cooling tower can save a large amount of power because of induction of latest techniques and developments in this field. Infect, ours is original venture in the country for modification and renovation of old and idle cooling tower with money back guarantee for increasing efficiency to the maximum level.
Welltech Team:
Assisted by a fine team of research and development engineers, production engineers, field engineers, management engineers, service engineers. The team compliments each other to bring out the best technical product in the market.
Welltech Provides Service and Maintanance:
Cooling Towers:
  • New builds, repairs and maintenance of all types of cooling towers, we offer
  • Ex- stocks spares of PVC Fills, ABS fills, Drift eliminators Pressure Nozzles, Fan (Al, FRP), and Sprinkler.
Heat exchangers: Cleaning, Re-tubing, Re-manufacturing.
Manufacturing Chemicals
We also introduce ourselves as leading Supplyers of descaling chemicals de-scale DG set, furnace Waters, Air Compressors, Boilers, Heat Exchangers, Condensers type of equipment without harming the parent material. Our products have been specially developed to remove any type of “Hard Scale or Soft Scale.
Welltech Vision:
  1. To expand qualitative manufacture and services with proper marketing infrastructure, thereby meeting customer’s requirement of quality and timely delivery resulting in cost advantages to the customer.
  2. Our vision is to help the society and the nation at large with our technologically advanced products.
Welltech Mission:
  1. We export our products across the world wise we assure to supply world class solution equipment at competitive price with excellent quality performance on time delivery basis.
  2. In order to make our dreams turn into a reality we technologically upgrade our production process and plan to reduce evaporation loss of water by 70% from the present situation.
  3. Since have a long term business relationship with our existing customers and new customers in India as well as overseas.

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