Shail Vac Engineers

Ejector System
Product Description

Ejectors - Types of Ejectors:

On basis of the motive fluid :
Vacuum Systems, Steam jet ejector, Liquid Jet ejector, Single stage ejectors, Multi stage ejectors, V stage Ejectors, W stage Ejectors, X stage Ejectors, Y stage Ejectors, Z stage Ejectors, Hogger ejectors, Booster Ejectors, Nozzle, Single Nozzle ejectors, Multi Nozzle Ejectors, Throat, Diffuser, Suction chamber, Suction capacity, Suction pressure, Discharge pressure, Live steam, Vacuum, No moving parts, Condenser, Direct Contact Condenser, Shell and tube type Condenser, Surface Condenser, Cooling tower, Venturi Effect, Ejectors, vacuum systems supplier, Steam Jet ejectors, vacuum systems manufacturer, vacuum systems supplier india, vacuum systems manufacturer india, Deodorization, Evaporation, Distillation, Crystallization, High vacuum distillation, Drying of solids, Vacuum Metallurgy, Staging of Ejectors, Single Stage Ejector Systems, Multi Stage Ejector Systems, Multi stage condensing ejector system, Multiple stage non condensing Ejectors, Liquid Jet Ejectors, multiple nozzle ejector
Liquid Jet Ejectors :
In a liquid Jet Ejector, the motive fluid is a non-compressible liquid (generally water) with no heat energy hence with a single stage centrifugal pump we can not increase its pressure much.
As a result motive fluid velocity at the nozzle tip is very less and it affects its non-condensable load handling capacity drastically.
Vacuum Systems, Steam jet ejector, Liquid Jet ejector, Single stage ejectors, Multi stage ejectors, V stage Ejectors, W stage Ejectors, X stage Ejectors, Y stage Ejectors, Z stage Ejectors, Hogger ejectors, Booster Ejectors, Nozzle, Single Nozzle ejectors, Multi Nozzle Ejectors, Throat, Diffuser, Suction chamber, Suction capacity, Suction pressure, Discharge pressure, Live steam, Vacuum, No moving parts, Condenser, Direct Contact Condenser, Shell and tube type Condenser, Surface Condenser, Cooling tower, Venturi Effect, Ejectors, vacuum systems supplier, Steam Jet ejectors, vacuum systems manufacturer, vacuum systems supplier india, vacuum systems manufacturer india, Deodorization, Evaporation, Distillation, Crystallization, High vacuum distillation, Drying of solids, Vacuum Metallurgy, Staging of Ejectors, Single Stage Ejector Systems, Multi Stage Ejector Systems, Multi stage condensing ejector system, Multiple stage non condensing Ejectors, Liquid Jet Ejectors, multiple nozzle ejector
Steam Jet Ejectors :
In a steam jet Ejector, the motive fluid is a jet of high pressure and low velocity compressible steam  which exists  from the nozzle  at the designed suction pressure and super sonic velocity thus entraining the vapour in to the suction chamber.
Due to the super sonic  velocity of the steam at the tip of the nozzle, its non-condensable load handling capacity is much higher than liquid jet ejectors.
Vacuum Systems, Steam jet ejector, Liquid Jet ejector, Single stage ejectors, Multi stage ejectors, V stage Ejectors, W stage Ejectors, X stage Ejectors, Y stage Ejectors, Z stage Ejectors, Hogger ejectors, Booster Ejectors, Nozzle, Single Nozzle ejectors, Multi Nozzle Ejectors, Throat, Diffuser, Suction chamber, Suction capacity, Suction pressure, Discharge pressure, Live steam, Vacuum, No moving parts, Condenser, Direct Contact Condenser, Shell and tube type Condenser, Surface Condenser, Cooling tower, Venturi Effect, Ejectors, vacuum systems supplier, Steam Jet ejectors, vacuum systems manufacturer, vacuum systems supplier india, vacuum systems manufacturer india, Deodorization, Evaporation, Distillation, Crystallization, High vacuum distillation, Drying of solids, Vacuum Metallurgy, Staging of Ejectors, Single Stage Ejector Systems, Multi Stage Ejector Systems, Multi stage condensing ejector system, Multiple stage non condensing Ejectors, Liquid Jet Ejectors, multiple nozzle ejector
Combination of Both :
In this type of ejector system, both Liquid jet and Steam jet Ejectors are employed simultaneously to produce low absolute pressure.
The suction of Liquid Jet Ejector is connected to the discharge of last stage of the steam jet ejector.
On basis of number of nozzles :
Vacuum Systems, Steam jet ejector, Liquid Jet ejector, Single stage ejectors, Multi stage ejectors, V stage Ejectors, W stage Ejectors, X stage Ejectors, Y stage Ejectors, Z stage Ejectors, Hogger ejectors, Booster Ejectors, Nozzle, Single Nozzle ejectors, Multi Nozzle Ejectors, Throat, Diffuser, Suction chamber, Suction capacity, Suction pressure, Discharge pressure, Live steam, Vacuum, No moving parts, Condenser, Direct Contact Condenser, Shell and tube type Condenser, Surface Condenser, Cooling tower, Venturi Effect, Ejectors, vacuum systems supplier, Steam Jet ejectors, vacuum systems manufacturer, vacuum systems supplier india, vacuum systems manufacturer india, Deodorization, Evaporation, Distillation, Crystallization, High vacuum distillation, Drying of solids, Vacuum Metallurgy, Staging of Ejectors, Single Stage Ejector Systems, Multi Stage Ejector Systems, Multi stage condensing ejector system, Multiple stage non condensing Ejectors, Liquid Jet Ejectors, multiple nozzle ejector
Single Nozzle Ejector :
  • Single Nozzle ejectors can be used for either critical or non-critical flow, but usually preferred for one set of design conditions only.
  • Its compact size is the main advantage of the single nozzle ejector.
  • It is generally used where very large compression ratios are required.
Multi-Nozzle Ejectors :
  • The uniqueness of Shail Vac’s multiple nozzle ejector is in its design and performance.
  • A multiple nozzle ejector usually has one nozzle on centre while remaining of the nozzles equally spaced peripherally around it.
  • In most of the cases, multi nozzle ejectors designed for the same conditions usually reduce steam consumption by 10% to 15% as compared to Single Nozzle Ejector.
  • The advantage of multiple nozzle ejectors is its much higher efficiency compared to single nozzle ejectors.
  •  It is also considerably shorter in length than an equally rated single nozzle ejector.

Shail Vac Engineers:

We are based in Surat. We are one of the leading manufacturer in Western India and also been one of the most preferred names in manufacturing wide range of Vacuum Systems, Steam Jet Ejectors, Liquid Jet Ejectors, industrial vacuum systems, falling film tubular evaporators, plate equivalents of tubular evaporators, falling film tubular evaporators and Steam Jet Refrigeration System. We are in this field for many years. We are catering to the need of various process industries like Fertilizers, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, Plastics, Power Plants, Steel manufacturing Plants, Edible Oil Refineries and other allied areas. Cutting edge technology and innovative design skills helps us to serve our clients efficiently. Prompt and effective after sales service is our topmost agenda.

Our modern production facilities, engineering excellence and highly experienced and dedicated team of engineers and workers have made us enable to supply our wide range of systems in the markets.

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