Hygienic Water

DM Water Plant
Product Specifications

 Demineralization plant:

Specifications : 
• Mild steel pressure vessels internally lined with rubber/FRP provided with internal fittings and initial charge of cation. 
• One set of regeneration equipment including hydraulic ejectors, acid & alkali tanks. • One set of frontal pipe work & valves. 
• One mild steel base frame for mounting cation & anion units. • One conductivity meter to monitor treated water quality.


Demineralization or Deionisation is the process of removing mineral salts from water by using the ion exchange process. With most natural water sources it is possible to use Demineralisation and produce water of a higher quality than conventional distillation. Fluid Systems Manufacture a Wide range of custom-built softening, Dematerializing plants for industrial process water applications, with inherent design to conserve water, and save costs. They are available in different sizes and materials, manually operated or fully Automatic, & ready to install & are available as standard models or custom built versions for specific needs.
Product Description

Demineralization plant:

Deionizers Plants are available in a wide range with maximum flow rates from 1000 Ltrs/hr onwords in standard plants. 
Two Bed DM Plant comprise of two mild steel rubber-lined /FRP pressure vessels filled with strong acidic cation exchange resin and strongly basic anion exchange resin. They are available in a range of diameters. The modular construction permits flexibility in the selection of cation and anion units to cater to different types of raw water. Treated water of conductivity less than 10 microsiemence/cm with ph of 7.5 to 8.5 is achieved at Two Bed DM Plant outlet .
Demineralization or Deionisation is the process of removing mineral salts from water by using the ion exchange process. With most natural water sources it is possible to use Demineralisation and produce water of a higher quality than conventional distillation. Fluid Systems Manufacture a Wide range of custom-built softening, Dematerializing plants for industrial process water applications, with inherent design to conserve water, and save costs. They are available in different sizes and materials, manually operated or fully Automatic, & ready to install & are available as standard models or custom built versions for specific needs.
• Easy to install • Simple to operate • Complete with regeneration equipment and control.
Operating Principle 
A Typical two-bed DM Plant consists of two FRP/MS Rubber lined Pressure vessels connected in series along with its internal fittings. The first unit consists of high capacity strongly acidic cation exchange resin, which converts positive ions of salt and replaces them with hydrogen ions to form respective acids, which are absorbed in next vessel by strongly basic anion exchange resin. The water obtained by this process shows conductivity less than 20 µ S / cm at 25o C and total dissolved solids less than 10 ppm. Further high purity water can be achieved by Mixed Bed Deionisers, which are designed to produce high purity treated water. They can be used as polishing units after two bed DM Plant to obtain high purity water. Mixed Bed Deionisers are single column units, filled with strongly acidic cation and strongly basic anion exchange resins mixed together. 
There are four distinct stages in the operation of Deionisers 1) Service 2) Backwashing 3) Regeneration 4) Rinse/remix
Service : In the Service cycle the water enters the vessel and passes through the Resin bed of the respective exchanger Backwashing After the resins are exhausted, the bed is backwashed. Backwashing is carried out by a uniform upward flow of water through the resin bed. The backwash step expands the resin bed releasing any entrapped particulate matter & removes the channeling in the resin column if occurred during the service cycle.
When the ion exchange resins loose all the exchangeable ions, they require regeneration to restore them back to hydrogen or hydroxyl form depending upon whether they are cation or anion resins. To achieve this 4 - 5% concentrated solution of Hydrochloric acid is used for cation resin and a 4% - 5% concentrated solution of caustic soda for anion resin. Rinse The final stage of regeneration is to rinse the resins of excess regenerant
• Easy to install & operate • Complete Assembly with backwash &regeneration equipment • Produces DM water of high purity
The demineralisation process utilises acid regenerated cation resin & caustic regenerated anion resin to remove minerals from water. We offer DM Plants of different sizes as per requirement of the customers. Trolly mounted automatic operation DM Plants are also available for small industries and laboratories. Demineralization & Mixed Bed plant Demineralised water plant (DM) is based on ion exchange technology. It comprises two vessels filled with strong acid cation exchange resin and strong base anion exchange resin. They are available in a range of diameters. Mix Bed Plant is based on ion exchange technology. It contains single vessel filled with cation exchange resin and anion exchange resin. This system works as a polisher unit and it is giving best quality of water. System would produce IP grade water
De Mineralized water treatment plant (D.M. PLANT) :
Process :
Demineralization systems are very widely employed not only for conditioning water for high – pressure boilers but also for conditioning various process and rinse water the ion – exchange system chosen very accordingly to the volumes and composition of the raw waters, the effluent- quality require for different uses and the comparative capital and operation cost briefly if silica removal is not require the system may consist of a hydrogen – cation – exchanger unit and a weekly basic anion exchanger unit usually followed by a degasifier to remove by aeration most of the carbon dioxide formed from the bicarbonates in the first step when silica removal basic anion – exchanger unit usually with a degasifier between the unit to removed carbon dioxide ahead of the strongly basic anion –exchanger unit for uses where the very highest quality of effluent is required this may be followed by secondary polishing unit consisting of either.
  • A hydrogen – cation – exchanger unit and a strongly basic anion–exchanger unit or
  • A single unit containing an intimately mixed bed of a hydrogen cation – exchanger and a strongly basic anion exchanger


Welcome to the booming existence of Sruti Engineers , one-stop-shop for all size ro plants and water treatment plants etc. For reducing the salts and harmful contaminants from water, we focus our business in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka . Sruti Engineers, incorporated in 2007, started with the main objective of providing superlative products.

Parashuram, the CEO of Sruti Engineers, has boundless enthusiasm in bringing quality water treatment plants, Working on the strong ethical values, Sruti Engineers is wholeheartedly committed for the true and fair business deals.. We keenly observe the superior quality of our products as per laid down norms ensuring optimum quality production. We deliver best quality products under the strict vigilance of trained professionals. And they all are expert in their respective jobs. Lastly, we have established long-term business relationship with our esteemed clients via our superlative products 

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