Target Equipments

Cooling Tower
Product Description

Cooling Towers:
Round Shape Cooling Tower:
Round shape cooling tower are called as Bottle shape cooling towers and induced draft counter flow cooling towers.
Round shape Cooling Tower Capacities:
Round shape cooling tower gives 100% cooling efficiencies it’s give good appearance flow rate from 5 M³/Hr To 550 M³/Hr gives differences in temperature 4ºC To30 ºC Availability of Capacities from 5 TR T0 600 TR.
The bottle shaped FRP cooling tower is utilized in several industries and has the following features.
  • All the components have a modular and compact design
  • The casing and the design has an exclusive circular design. Therefore no impact of the direction of prevailing wind is encountered.
  • This FRP water cooling tower has a very efficient sprinkler head system that is rotative and is made of aluminum alloy
  • Axial flow fans that are designed aerodynamically with adjustable pitch are used
  • The bottle shaped FRP cooling tower helps conserve power
  • Quiet operation is ensured
  • The sump is given easy access with a galvanized mesh of hot dip. This is done to avoid entry to foreign objects into the water basin
  • The possibility of corrosion and rust gets minimized due to the framework steel components that are galvanized hot dip
Though the cooling tower maintenance is not difficult, it is important.
Cooling Tower Maintenance:
  • Efficient treatment of water
  • Prevent scale deposits
  • Do way with or clean spray nozzles that get clogged
  • Adequate air flow should be ensured
  • Adequate performance of pump also should be assured
Round shape Cooling Towers Spares:
  • PVC Fill : A good quality fill and is of long life too.
  • Drift Eliminator: The carry over losses due to moisture drops.
  • Sprinkler: Due to the even water distribution over the honey comb fills.
  • Fan: flow type fan that is aero dynamically designed is of well balanced construction. we have availability of FRP fan and Aluminum fan
Square Shaped Cooling Tower:
The square cooling tower is of the design: vertical induced draft counter flow, with a uniform distribution of water and an optimal transfer of heat .These are utilized by all large industries in order to cool the water that has undergone recycling. The installation of can be done independent of the direction of wind. Cooling Towers are nothing but heat rejection devices that are used to remove unwanted heat into the air from the cooling stream of water to a reduced temperature
Square Cooling Tower Capacities:
Square cooling tower gives 100% cooling efficiencies it’s give good appearance flow rate from 5 M3/Hr To 550 M3/Hr gives differences in temperature 4°C To30 °C Availability of Capacities from 5 TR T0 600 TR in single cell
Technical Features Of Square Cooling Tower:
  • The flow of water ranges between 5 M3/Hr  To  550 M3/Hr
  • The design easily blends with the architectural environs
  • The casing of the is of tough Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastic (FRP).It possesses sufficient structural power to endure winds of high velocities as well as vibrations. Besides gel coat, an ultra violet stabilized resin is also used for extended life. The square cooling tower is resistant against local impacts and local repairs could be easily done in case of occurrence of slight damages.
  • A temperature difference from 4°C To30 °C can be ensured
  • It uses less energy on the whole due to minimal resistance of air to water
  • Nozzles are designed easy cleaning while running the square shape cooling towers
Applications Of Square Cooling Tower:
  • In cold rooms and air condition plants
  • Aluminum die casting
  • Dairy industry
  • Chemical industries
  • In food industries such as hotels as well as in industries of food processing
  • Oil refineries
  • Automobile industries
  • Forging and Mechanical industries
  • Plants manufacturing glass
  • Also employed for mega watt project industries` heat process
  • By plastic molding machineries
Dry Cooling Towers / Air Cooled Condenser / Air Fin Coolers:
Dry Cooling towers are produced in forced draught and induced draught designs, and in single and multi-fan arrangements, depending customer specifications and requirements, We are the professional dry cooling tower and air cooled condenser manufacturers, tubes in copper and fins are aluminium MOC we use 5/8’ or 3/8’ OD copper tubes as per customer specification, all tubes are well expanded tested for pressure and leak.
Advantages Of Dry Cooling Towers:
  • A great deal of water gets preserved on using dry cooling towers.
  • Less or no preparation needed as atmospheric air is in abundance
  • No formation of scale or heat exchanger cleaning is required
  • There are no mobile parts except for the fan and the motors. Hence the cooling tower maintenance is negligible.
  • Dust, fly ash, living organisms or dirt do not get mixed up with process water
  • There are no constraints placed on the location of plant
  • No corrosions caused by air
  • This cooling tower performance ensures minimal environmental impact
  • Reduced annual operating expenses
Predominantly used for air compressor and power generating units for applications of engine water cooling. Petroleum plant, power utility, steel manufacturing industry, cement, sugar factures , chemical and gas-processing industrials.
Cross Flow Cooling Tower:
The rectangular cooling tower or the closed type cooling tower or the cross flow cooling tower has a range of cooling capacity of a single cell cooling tower of around 70M3/Hr to 300 M3/Hr. The suitable refrigeration is between 120 and 440. Multiple cells may be fixed together. This installation plants are available when your cooling requirements exceed The motors in this cooling tower system are present outside the tower. This setup is devoid of the problem of hot mist. When compared to the section of motor inside fan, it is very easy to remove and thus repair.
Frame: The supporting structures are of hot-dip galvanized steel, used to reduce corrosion or rusting, thus ensuring extended life.
Cross Flow Cooling Tower Capacity:
Water flow rate from 5 M3/Hr To 550 M3/Hr gives differences in temperature 4°C To 30°C Availability of Capacities from 5 TR T0 600 TR.
The casing of this industrial cooling tower is made of FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester).It is of light weight, simple to assemble and there is no need to paint. This reduces the cost of the cooling tower maintenance.
  • Lower maintenance and longer service life.
  • Available with PVC fills or treated wood fills,
  • In virtually unlimited capacity
  • The furnishing of the inspection doors of the tower are done in such a way to provide easy access to the inside for maintenance, inspection, float valve adjustment, sump flushing out and lift-out strainer cleaning.
  • FRP fan specially designed for higher efficiency.
Natural Draft Cooling Towers:
Our natural draft cooling tower not required any fan are fills, no maintenance like other cooling towers, non clock nozzle are easy to cleaning reduce spillage and evaporation loss. Hat dip galvanized structural and S.S fasteners increase the lifetime as well as the efficiency of the cooling tower it can be installed for any range of cooling application.
Natural draft cooling tower Availability of Capacities from 5 TR T0 1000 TR in Single cell
Features and Functions:
  • Natural draft cooling tower especially hold attraction as solution for saving costs for large industrial plants and power stations; that require large amounts of cooling water.
  • The needed cooling air is transported to the tower with the help of  natural draft. Hence there is no necessity for fan or fan power
  • It is also used for the release of treated exhaust gas. It also implies that there is no need of gas reheating or chimney.
  • The rates of flow come around 200,000/m/h per 9, 00,000gpm
  • PVC fills are not required by these frp cooling towers
  • FRP louvers that are specially designed aerodynamically, minimize evaporation loss and spillage
  • The effusion and lifetime of this industrial cooling tower is increased with the aid of fastener.
  • The tower could be installed for a variety of cooling applications
  • The needed volume of air stream for cooling is produced by stack effect
  • The economic benefit of such industrial cooling towers exists in tier low requirement of electric energy. The costs of operation are minimal
  • These industrial cooling towers are highly economical for depreciation and loads of high cooling over an extended period
  • The recirculation of tepid air causes reduced performance. This gets reduced by the high distance between the air outlet and inlet of the tower.
Wooden Cooling Tower 
Timber Cooling Tower:
Wooden cooling tower was developed to offer greater cooling capacity in smaller space with lower operating costs. Wooden cooling tower are generally constructed over sumps designed to accommodate wooden cooling tower.
Wooden cooling tower gives 100% cooling efficiencies It’s give good appearance flow rate from 5 M3/Hr To 500 M3/Hr gives differences in temperature 4°C To 30°C Availability of Capacities from 5 TR T0 1000 TR in single cell, A wooden cooling tower available in a wide selection of frame sizes to efficiently serve application requirements.
Capacity Of Cooling Tower:
Induced draft timber cooling tower are deign with our well experience engineers, they usually design according to customer request and their specific details given like LPM, inlet and out let temperature and WBT, Cooling tower dimensions and maximum height cooling tower capacity and size shall be calculated with this specific details provided by the customer.
Cooling Tower Frame Work:
All structural framework are chemically treated pinewood joint shall be through hot dip galvanized bolts and nuts and steel and nails shall be stainless steel.
Cooling Tower Filling:
Fill splash bars shall be consist of treated wood, drift eliminator shall be designed to limit drift loss,
Cooling Tower Distribution System:
Coast iron body adjustable distribution valves with locking bar shall be included, water disrepute uniformly over the entire fill area.
Cooling Tower Mechanical Equipment:
Cooling tower fan 4 or more aluminium blades, each can adjustable individually attached iron hub, oil gauge shall be extended outside the fan
  • The location of this wooden cooling tower can be closer to the plant as there is no problem of drift
  • There is no loss of efficiency because of the recirculation of the discharge of hot air from the tower top at significant height
  • Our quality of wooden cooling tower design is superior
  • This wooden cooling tower provides a fill pack that is wooden and a sprinkler in a design that maximizes efficiency and economy.
  • Target equipments wooden cooling tower is highly reliable as well as durable
  • Target equipments Cooling Towers fans and sprinkler provide great cooling in an area of minimum plan , with reduced energy
  • No cost of operation and so cost effective
  • The risk of fire is negligible
  • The minimum approach of the wooden cooling tower is around 4.5ºC
  • Target equipments wooden cooling tower can be closely grouped thus saving height
Casing & louvers The casing is a cement board of corrugated asbestos
Filling & support The splash bars and the supporting frame of structure are wood that is treated with preservative
Drift Eliminator A system of higher efficiency, double pass and single bank , specially created for maximum removal of droplets of water at velocities of operating face
Fan assembly Fans of standard aluminum alloy, multi bladed impellor of axial flow with aerofoil or profile blades that are similar; adjustable manually for pitch while the assembly does not move
Target nozzles Specially designed to provide the required water distribution. They are highly resistant to the temperature and damages of weathering
Distribution deck The open gravity kind,which helps in the uniform distribution of water over the complete fill area.


Target Equipment:
we have set up this organization with the sole objective of achieving a worldwide name for our organization both qualities wise and service wise. Our vision is to help the society and the nation at large with our technologically advanced products.
In order to make our dreams turn into a reality we technologically upgrade our production process and plan to reduce evaporation loss of water by 80% from the present situation.
TARGET EQUIPMENTS IS Established in 2001 reputed concern involved in manufacturing and exporting industrial Chilling plant and all types of Cooling Towers from 10TR to more than 1000TR it’s vary from costumer requirement and there application including FRP Cooling tower, Wooden Cooling tower, Dry Cooling tower, Fanless and Fillsless Cooling Towers.
Other than cooling tower We are also involved in fabricating most of HVAC products like industrial Chilling plant, water cooled chiller air cooled chillers, oil chiller ranging from 1TR to 250TR, other than that we manufacture all types of heat exchangers likeInter Cooler / After Cooler, Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger, Oil Cooler Heat Exchanger, Tube Bundle, Evaporator Coil Cooler, Fin Type Cooler, Plate Heat Exchanger, Marine Heat Exchanger, Our company also undertakes production ofEvaporator Cooling Systems, Humidification Plant, Water Treatment Chemical, Radiators.
We have most talented and 15 years of experienced engineers are with us Mr.Ananthan, Mr.Madan and Mr.Anbu. With their experience and knowledge under there guidance and supervision we are in one of the most preferred manufacturers and exporters of the present competitive markets all over the world. We measure our growth in the industry by the increasing list of our client base and through our exhaustive market reach, which is spread in almost all major centres of the world likeUnited Arab Emirates, Oman, Saudi Arabia Europe, Africa, UAE, South America and North America.
We are customer centric entity and hence always remain focused to meet and exceed the requirements of the customers in the best possible way. We try to leave no space for any sort of customer`s grievances in our overall work process. Besides being conscious towards maintaining international quality standards in our products we have also designed a feedback procedure that we receive from our customers and partners for bringing further improvement in our business performance.
Areas of Application:
The broad spectrum of products offered by us is cater to the major industrial sectors:
  • Electricity Generating Industry
  • Petroleum Refining Industry
  • Chemical Processing Industry
  • Sugar Industry
  • Air-conditioning and refrigeration Industry
  • Steel Industry and so on.
  • Mediations & research centre
  • Hospitals & hotels
  • Foundry industry
We are involved in the manufacture and supply of following products like
  • Cooling Towers
    • Bottle Shape Towers
    • Square Shape Towers
    • Dry Cooling Towers
    • Cross Flow Cooling Towers
    • Natural Draft Cooling Towers
    • Wooden Cooling Towers
  • Chilling Plant
    • Water cooled chillier
    • Air cooled chillier
    •  Oil cooled chillier
  • Heat Exchangers
    • Inter Cooler / Ofter Cooler
    • Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
    • Oil Cooler
    • Tupe Bundle
    • Evaporator Coil Cooler
    • Fin Type Cooler
    • Plate Heat Exchanger
  • Evaporator Cooling Systems
  • Radiator
  • FRP chemical tank
  • Humidification Plant
  • Water Treatment Chemicals
  • Spares
    • FRP Cooling tower spares
    • Closed cooling tower spares
    • Wooden cooling tower spares
    • Crass flow cooling tower spares
    • RCC Cooling tower spares
    • PVC Fills
    • FRP, Aluminium Fan
    • SS Sprinkler
    • Nylon Sprinkler
    • Cooling Tower Motor
    • Nozzle
    • Cooling pad
    • Air filter

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