Vaxom Packaging Pvt. Ltd

Sachet Packing
Product Description

Granular Flowing:

Multilane packaging machine mod. C3
(available from 4 to 12 lines). Electronic version, brushless motorization and touch screen keyboard.
Oscillating and reciprocating biker for free flowering, granuler products: salt, ground pepper, sugar for bar usage, sweeteners, products for drinks preparation, chemical-pharmaceutical products in 4 side thomasapled sachets.
Full materials: standars coupled films.


Modello Omag C3/10
Macchine confezionatrici per alimenti
Le macchine confezionatici per prodotti pastosi e semiliquidi di Omag C3 sono realizzate in versioni da 2 fino a 10 piste, in funzione della dose richiesta, permette il confezionamento in bustine termosaldate sui quattro lati di piccole e medie dimensioni con sodi da 2 a 30 ml, di tutti i prodotti pastosi e semiliquidi quali: shampoo, crème, sciroppi, maionese, ketchup, concentrato di pomodoro, caramello semiliquido, detergenti liquidi ecc. Questemacchine confezionatrici sono equipaggiate con dosatore a pompa azionato mediante motore brushless.

Powdery non-flowing:

C3/2V (two lines adjustable sachet size) electronic version, “bruschless” motorization + “Touch Screen” Keyboard.
Multilane Auger filler for powedery. Greasy or non free-flowing products. The dose fine adjustement can be performed independently on each lane.
Available sachet size on two rows:
Wicth from min 60 mm. to max 125 mm.
Length from min. 60 mm to max 220 mm.

Multiple Fillers:

CO Horizontal packaging machine:

CO 150 is an intermittent motion packaging machine to pack solid, powedery, granular, liquid and viscous products in 3-side and 4-side sealed sachets, in flat and string version, in DOY-PACK and STAND-UP style for pharma, cosmetic, cheamical and foos industry applications.
Fully electronic control, motion by brushless servomotors and mechanical cams, operator`s interface by wide (8 inches) and user-friendly screen allow to achieve a high flexibility in design any kind of product in all the achievable sachet formats, in single or twin sachets connected by vertical perforation on one or two packaging lines.
A wide range of accessories, such as application of a cap, a zippy, a "V" tear notch, the coding of variable data or injection of inert gas or CO2, may be implemented on request. The `clean` design and the cantilever execution of dosing and sachet-shaping group make CO 150 fully compliant with GMP and FDA regulations.
Packaging machine Mod. CO 150 can be equipped with various dosing system, one for each product to be dosed. Systems used more frequently are the following:
Auger filler
For powdery, greasy or not free flowing products. Dose adjustment and indipendent brushless motorization.
Dosing pump
For liquid, pasty and creamy products. Driving system by brushless motorization, roraty distribution valve and suck system at the end of dosing phase.
Oscillating and reciprocating filler
For granular and free-flowing products. Twin set of dosing cups with dose micrometrical adjustment.

CG Confezionatrice di Buste Preformate:

La nuova CG 01 utilizza buste prefabbricate di carta, stampata o neutra, a pieghe laterali e piatte. Può anche lavorare con buste di materiali termosaldabili quali carta/politene, carta/alluminio. Le buste vengono prelevate individualmente da un capace magazzino orizzontale, aperte e riempite. Dopo il riempimento sono tese, incollate, chiuse e timbrate.
La CG 01 è dotata di:
- stazioni di riempimento, consentendo di dosare due prodotti differenti oppure, quando le quantità di prodotto da dosare sono considerevoli, di effettuare il dosaggio in due tempi;
- eccezionale gamma di formati, cambio formato rapido ed agevole;
- disponibilità di gruppo di saldatura a caldo per l`utilizzo di buste in materiali termosaldabili;

- predisposta per l`abbinamento con confezionatrici da bobina per la realizzazione di doppia busta. 

About Vaxom Packaging:

Vaxom Packaging is the India office of three of the world’s leading providers of packaging solutions - V2 Engineering, Axomatic and Omag.

Set up with a view to provide comprehensive pre-sale consultancy, asset deployment and service support to customers in the Indian Sub-continent and South Asia, Vaxom today, has many installations to its credit and a larger number of very happy customers who consider us a partner in their growth.

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