The pre-prepared oil bearing material from the preparatory section is brought to rotary mechanical valve where material and lobes of the rotary valve thus forming an effective mechanical vapour seal and regulate the supply feed to the main solvent extraction plant.
Mechanical Simplicity
Easy Regulation
Energy Saving
This material is then fed to a long compartment series of spray devices in a row fitted with articulated band conveyor. This is composed of steed housing through which the material travels on a hinged screen belt.
The speed of the band conveyor is easily adjustable as per pre-calculated travel of oil bearing pre-prepared material, taking into consideration of extraction time or permeability of the material.
Above this moving bed conveyor which is extremely slow in speed, series of sprayers, to spray the solvent of reducing strength along the length of extractor, is mounted.
Special spray breaker helps to distribute the solvent uniformly and evenly over the entire width of moving bed where each spray is followed by a draining section. Each spray section is separated from the next one by rakes, scrapping the top layer.
Fresh solvent is also taken in at final end of the moving bed material and the full miscella, which is mixture of oil, and solvent is recovered from the initial stage, resulting in to perfect counter current flow of material and solvent. Two rinsing devices are provided on the return span of the screen belt.
The miscella circulates by overflowing from each hopper of the extractor after increasing gradually its oil contents in each hopper.
With this there is a balance between oil extracted from the oil bearing material in corresponding section and difference in oil content of solvent overflowing the preceding hopper. The gradual counter-current extraction helps the obtention of highly concentrated miscella and on the other hand the prolonged draining time reduces the amount of solvent retained in the extracted meal being sent to Toaster.
The cleaning of the conveyor is very important to allow the clear miscella to percolate through the material and mesh and thus eliminates possibilities of choking of mesh.
The transfer of extracted material to the Toaster (70) is continuous through a bulk flow or vapor tight Bulk flow conveyor.
The material which is now with almost 35% of solvent is taken to desolventisation section through vapour tight chain conveyor/or bulk flow arrangement where the material is heated in a closed circuit to ensure perfect desolventisation of extracted meal and at the some time the material is toasted to reduce enzyme activity while increasing the protein digestibility (P D Value) and thus reducing urease activity to less than base limit of 0.15%.
In the desolventising/toasting compartments, live steam is injected in the meal through a great number of holes in the bottom of the lowest compartment.
The gases climb from one compartment to upper one in counter current with meal. The bottoms of each compartment are also heated with steam.
The conventional dryers consume much more solvent than in “SUNPLANT” desolventiser toaster. The dust carried by the gases leaving Toaster is separated in the wet dust catcher (item 29) fed by pump (P29) circulating hot water in closed circuit from dust catcher. From there the gases flow through the steam economizer (Item 60), the hexane heater and to horizontal surface condenser (20B) where the temperature of the outlet gases are reduced.
In the desolventiser toaster open steam is given simultaneously, where as in the dryer system meal is heated by central shaft.
Where the meal was sent to the dryer/Toaster (70) the miscella is pumped through economizer (60) to first evaporator (18A) where economizer is finely designed to utilize the heat from desolventiser toaster.
The SUNPLANT economizer is specially designed to utilize maximum or optimum heat emerging out of toaster (70). The vapours from toaster enter economizer (60) to give out maximum heat to the miscella to evaporate in evaporator (17).
SUNPLANT economizer results in reducing the steam consumption especially in larger plant distillation section of the plant.
As miscella enters the distillation division otherwise could have been to half this to 22% aprox, which ultimately increases the capacity of condensing section in proportion to the heat dissipated from vapours of toaster, in the economizer unit and utilized to increase the concentration of miscella.
The miscella released from economizer is heated in evaporator (18) by low pressure steam and then it is entered in flasher where solvent vapours are flashed off.
The evaporation of solvent in flasher makes the miscella, more concentrated is then charged to secondary evaporator (21A) and flasher cum stripper of disc and donut type (22A), working under medium vacuum where necessary steam is injected to completely eliminate the solvent. From item 22M, the oil is pumped to the heater and further to oil dryer working under high vacuum by ejector 41/22B.
The vapour from flasher (18) and (60) are condensed in condensers 19 and vapour from stripper are condensed in condenser (23) and liquid solvent is recirculated back to the main process through water solvent separator (32AB). The exhaust steam of ejector is used in waste water boiler (Item 45).
The gases from 21, 22M and 41/22B are condensed in condenser 23 under vacuum by ejector 41/23A blowing to condenser 19.
The entire distillation system operates at high vacuum and low temperatures, which results in good quality of oil.
The leftover gases after passing through contact cooler are allowed to pass through the spray of mineral oil which has properties to absorb traces of solvent vapour which were to be released to atmosphere through the vent ejector system.
On heating the stated hot mineral oil which has absorbed solvent and vapours are once again condensed in the condenser and the mineral oil after cooling is reused as it passes through water cooler which is again used in spraying over the next hexane vapour and uncondensed gases from water cooled condenser.
The SUNPLANT Recuperation System this ensures recovery of practically all solvents in the system.
SUNPLANT STEAM CONDENSATE RECOVERY system helps to collect all condensates to be collected and dispatch the same to boiler to save maximum of heat energy and utilize maximum of flash steam to reduce fuel consumption in the process.
SUNPLANT ensures easy availability of spare parts and immediate AFTER SALES SERVICE to attend to at very short notice.
SUNPLANT agrees to supply at cost spare parts to keep the plant in good operating condition for a period of 6 months.
The requirement will cover normal daily operation of the plant and maintenance to keep the plant at its optimum level of operation. (After 6 months. of operation, the plant machines will be in perfect working conditions).
The equipment listed for each item showing number of the items installed in the control panels and switchboards and the number of items provided in stock.
Stand by Pump /spares, as per SUNPLANT specs.
The valves will be supplied as spares, which will be in ratio of 1 for every 10 valves for all types except in the boiler, services, supplies, and auxiliary.
The gasket and accessories are supplied approx 1 spare for 1 to 9 fitted and two spares for every 10 to 20 fitted and sight and light glasses are also supplied as spares 1 for every 7 nos. installed.
1. Extractor speed is controlled by the Frequency Controller System with a provision for checking the load on the extractor accurately with a variable overload annunciation and a tripping mechanism. This provides information well in advance about the Extractor Band Conveyor safety.
2. The Desolventiser Toaster is of a very modern design which is energy efficient with 100% desolventising features by a counter current vapour path in the true sense, thereby ensuring non-entry of vapors or air in the last compartment. This is achieved by ensuring differential vapor pressures in the compartments by SUNPLANT’s unique design.
We have a unique design, where we offer fully automated discharge and also distribution and the steam injection control system, sensing the DT vapor temperatures etc.
The diameter, size and the stages are proportionate to the capacity and the system is designed in such a way that the sealing is 100% and the same is achieved by maintaining vapor pressure in the last compartment to +100mm WGC, while the top compartments maintain a negative pressure of - 10 to 20 mm WGC.
This system achieves far better color and texture of the Soya meal. The exact design and working shall be provided.
3. Heating is carried out with our unique "Thermo-syphon Heating System" thus replacing a number of steam traps, which are one of the main sources of steam losses. This is an optional feature provided to those interested.
4. The Thermo syphon Heating System is coupled with an efficient Flash Steam Recovery system with Thermo Compression for effective steam utilization. Due to this system and heat recovery, results in saving steam.
5. SUNPLANT’s low temperature Distillation system operates the final oil at a temperature not more than 80oC as against 110*C in any other Plant. This enhances the bleachability properties of the oil, which otherwise gets affected, had the temperature been higher, as is happening in conventional plants.
6. SUNPLANT provides a built in system to evaporate and recover the entire effluent water as distilled water for reuse providing 100 % condensate recovery and a Zero Effluent Liquid Discharge System making the plant environmentally safe. This unit is also an optional supply catering to the client’s requirements.
7. SUNPLANT provides the required process instrumentation in the plant to maintain the process parameters as far as possible to avoid overheating of the oil as well as control on the solvent recovery system.