The EIMCO- K.C.P Ltd.

Product Description

EIMCO-KCP clariflocculators mechanisms cover all tank sizes & load requirements, all operating on the common principle of moving settled solids to the tank center. Clariflocculators are available with peripheral Driven mechanisms with single flocculation paddles. 



The Eimco-K.C.P Ltd is one of the leading supplier of equipment and technology in India forLiquid - Solid separation and Biological treatment processes. The company`s products and technical services are extensively used in Mineral processing, Chemical processing, Food processing, Refining, Pulp and paper manufacturing, Municipal & Industrial water and waste water treatment.

Eimco-KCP has become a wholly owned 100% subsidiary of KCP SUGAR AND INDUSTRIES CORPN LTD and is in possession of EIMCO Technology. 

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